Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Strong Wind Warning yesterday, today and tomorrow...

Screenshot of weather radar from the "Keys to Port Douglas"

Strong wind warning yesterday, today and tomorrow. Bit of rain about? On holiday? What will we do?

Firstly put the "Keys to Port Douglas" on your phone.
Then you can access the weather radar and plan your day. See the rain in Daintree? That is exactly where the Daintree River delta is. That strong wind we are experiencing pushes the rain cloud into a natural funnel and explains why Daintree gets more rain than Port Douglas. 
So while that rain stays like that forget a Daintree River trip. When it comes clear take a Daintree River Tour - maybe a dawn trip before the wind comes in?

What to do around Port Douglas?
Take a guided or non-guided walk around the headland and see some really interesting things:

Dine out, Macrossan Street yesterday was a buzz with diners in relaxful settings. Get some ideas from the dining blog:


Plan a great day!


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